Thousand Words Press produces more than just marketing and advertising copy. Our most recent book is:

Nowhere Hair.
Nowhere Hair explains a loved one's cancer to little kids.
But it's more than that. So much more.
You see, at one point, I had no hair. This was a big deal for me, the reason I had no hair. Breast cancer at 33. I wrote Nowhere Hair not to bemoan its loss, but to put context around it for curious kids. I was also frustrated with the children's books I found on the subject of cancer. They were too technical, terrifying, and, quite honestly, they often made the mother look like an emotional, freaky-looking mess.
Which serves no one.
Nowhere Hair dispels the worries that kids have around cancer. They didn't cause it, can't catch it, and they are still loved. It explains hats and wigs and going bald in public, and the idea of being nice to people who may look a little different than you. It ends with the idea of what is inside of us is far more important than how we look on the outside.
Written by Sue Glader.
Illustrations by Edith Buenen <<.
1st edition 2010 (hardback) $15.99 list
2nd edition 2013 (paperback) $12.99 list
Spanish edition ¿Y el pelo? 2013 (paperback) $12.99 list
ISBN: 978-0-984-3591-0-3 Hardbound
ISBN: 978-0-984-3591-3-4 Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-984-3591-2-7 Spanish Edition
Size: 9x8 portrait, casebound
Length: 32 pages
Images: 35 color illustrations

A blog that is just pure self expression. Whatever is on my mind.
Storytelling in words and pictures.
VIDEOS (Self-made):